U.S. Embassy Hanoi – Local Student Intern Program

U.S. Embassy in Hanoi are seeking applicants for the following local student intern positions:
2024-02   Human Resources Office (HRO) Student Intern (2 virtual positions)
2024-03   Foreign Commercial Service (FCS) Student Intern (2-4 in-person positions)
2024-04   Community Liaison Office (CLO) Student Intern (1 in-person & 1 virtual position)
2024-05    Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) Student Intern (15 virtual positions)
2024-06    Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) Student Intern (2 in-person positions)
2024-07    Financial Management Center (FMC) Student Intern (2 in-person positions)
Attached please find the vacancy announcements and the Statement of Interest and Gratuitous Service Agreement Form for the application process.  
Vacancy Announcements can be found in the Embassy’s website both in English and Vietnamese.  Applications should be submitted to HanoiHR@state.gov by September 23, 2024 to be considered.